Privacy Policy

Who we are

The History is a high-end media organization. We provide verifiable publications to the South African public and the rest of the world. Read more on the About Us page.

What we gather

We only gather personal information with our viewers’ explicit consent. The History stores some information when readers post comments in the designated box.

Comments are the feedback and viewpoints of a visitor or reader on a subject. We gather names, emails, and IP addresses.

A moderator looks over each remark before it is approved. Spam, links from sites unrelated to the content, racist content, and other relevant items may not be accepted.


Visitors can post photos to this site. However, we do not allow EXIF GPS and other embedded data. Anyone can download videos and pictures on this website with proper attribution.


The option to save your name and email after leaving a comment on our website is available to readers.

You can save time by not having to fill out the form the next time you post a comment. The information stays on your browser for a year.

Third-Party Resources

We often embed material from other websites in our content, including text, images, videos, etc. The History acknowledges these sources through mentions or links.

The behavior of this third-party content is the same as if the user had visited the other website.

These other websites may gather personal information and mind how you interact with the embedded site.

Data Length

If you’ve commented, it and its information are preserved on our website forever. We post these comments so that other readers can see other people’s perspectives on the subject and take action.

The personal information submitted in their user profile is available to registered users of our website.

Users cannot change their usernames. They can access their profiles to edit or delete their comments or personal information. It is available for users who subscribed to us.

Administrators can also access these profiles and change the data that is displayed.

Rights of readers

Visitors who have created an account on The History can ask to have their data, including any information you provided, exported as a file.

They can also ask for the deletion of their data from our website. We will, however, keep any data for administrative, legal, or security reasons.

O.C. Emmanuel

Chief Editor and Publicity Expert for The History.

July 21, 2023